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Community Within Pillar
Membership Committee
The membership committee tries to help grow our church's membership through community outreach, social activities, and education. To learn more about the Membership Committee, or to learn how you can help, check out their page at http://www.uucchc.org/membershipcommittee.html
Greeters help direct newcomers before service, pass out the Order of Service, and in general help make everything run smoothly every Sunday morning. To learn more or become a greeter, contact Colleen Tennery.
Cares & Concerns
The Cares & Concerns Committee is co-chaired by Faye Ferrell and Sherry Zerbe. They are responsible for aiding members of our congregation if they're in need. If you would like to help out, contact them for more information.
Committee on Ministry
The Committee on Ministry aids and supports our Minister.
Worship Committee
The worship committee, chaired by Lynn Jettpace, recruits the worship associates each week, produces the order of service (currently job of Mary Schnake), substitutes for Rev. Jennifer Gray when she has Sundays off, and advises the minister about speakers and themes they think the congregation would like to hear. To learn more about them, visit their page at www.uucchc.org/worshipcommittee.html
Music Committee
The UUCC Music Committee, chaired by Larry Prather, is responsible for performing and leading music during services at UUCC. The committee also oversees the logistics and equipment (such as PA systems and the organ) required for such performance. Members of the committee who are musicians participate in a rotation to work with the Worship Committee Service Leader and the speaker for the service to select appropriate hymns and other spiritual music for each week.
If you're interested in helping with the Music Committee, or would like to play and instrument or sing during a service, contact Larry Prather after service.
Religious Exploration
The RE committee is chaired by Erin Kimble. They run religious education classes for different age groups, as well as provide a nursery for children too young for classes. Also, Dave Giltner and J.D. Nesbitt run WICKS, which is a UU youth group for our older students.
UUCC RE Mission Statement
Our mission is to help participants discover, develop, articulate, and apply their beliefs in an atmosphere of loving support.
Our goals are to:
- Provide programming consistent with the needs and values of the congregation.
- Create meaningful rituals to provide a framework for our exploration.
- Provide opportunities on Sunday mornings to share discoveries with the congregation.
- Provide regularly scheduled social gatherings.
- Model values that reflect our UU principles.
Adult Religious Exploration and Credo
Our Adult Religious Exploration Committee oversees educational opportunities for the adults in our congregation, including Build Your Own Theology Classes, Chalice Circle discussion groups, Sunday morning Credo, and other workshops.