Worship |
Worship Committee
Our worship service is from 10 am - 11:00 am Sunday morning. Children always being with the adults (except nursery care for infants and toddlers is provided the entire time). After our opening rituals, a hymn and a story, children are "sung out" to their classes and carry a piece of our flaming chalice with them. Children may stay for the entire service is they wish, but most choose to join their religious exploration activity. The adults share joys and concerns during a time of prayer and reflection. Sharing joys and concerns deepens the real bonds of community. We have a reading to remind us of the many sources of spiritual inspiration. We have a sermon from the minister, a lay leader or a guest. Then close with more music and a blessing.
Several times a year we have worship where all ages stay together for the whole time. Summer services tend to be more informal and there may be a discussion in place of a sermon. Music plays an essential part in worship. Music touches our souls in ways in which words alone cannot. Lifting our voices in song together helps create a sense of belonging and common purpose -- the beloved community.
Worship reflects our shared belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and is obvious in our eclectic and lively community. At the center of our worship experience is a sense of awe -- awe for the beauty and joy of life and awe for the brokenness and fragility of times. We light our religious symbol, a chalice, to honor religious freedom, freedom of conscience, and the flame of truth and justice. Unitarian Universalists refer to the Divine in ways often more poetic than traditional. "Spirit of Life," "Life of Ages," "Life of Life," "Gracious God" -- to evoke a lively view of the Holy and help keep idolatry at bay.
The worship committee recruits the worship associates each week (currently job of Izzy Schnake), produces the order of service (currently job of Mary Schnake), substitutes for Rev. Jennifer Gray when she has Sundays off, and advises the minister about speakers and themes they think the congregation would like to hear. They give suggestions about alternative styles of worship services that we do occasionally. They offer constructive criticism of how worship is working for the congregation. The committee meets twice a year or as needed (no set date).
Worship Committee Working Wiki
Worship Committee:
Rev. Jennifer Gray
Izzy Schnake
Mary Schnake
Christian Axsiom
Brenda Sutton.