A MLK Talk

As people with a moral conscience, we promote principles and values that form the underpinnings for a community that honors Black Lives and promotes King’s vision for a Beloved Community.  Love and Justice go hand in hand as we all, no matter who we are, work together to practice anti-racism.  This is easier said than done and our hearts are willing, but how do we actually do this?  Let us come together and explore how we might co-create the Beloved Community. 

Be Who You Are

– written by Peter Friedrichs – Based on the work of Rev Forest Church, who said, “To envy another’s skills, looks, or gifts rather than embracing your own nature and call is to fail in two respects. In trying unsuccessfully to be who we aren’t, we fail to become who we are.” – Read by … Continue reading Be Who You Are

Kalush Music of the Season: A Historical Perspective