purchase Pregabalin online “I serve as pastor of a 60-member congregation in Maine, and every time I help decide whether the weather’s bad enough to cancel worship, I know that someone’s going to grouse: the same weather can elicit responses from “There’s hardly any snow!” to “I can’t possibly clear my driveway!” Sixty people looking at the same roads don’t just have different opinions, but also a multiplicity of perspectives.”
deformedly “Most of the leaders I know are being forced to translate that decision-making pressure to an unknown, potentially lethal virus whose patterns we can neither predict nor fully yet understand as it makes its way through a country of nearly 330 million people. It’s no wonder that those leaders are crumbling—not because of overblown fears of COVID-19, but because it’s distressing to make decisions that have vast, nearly unimaginable consequences for the people we love.”
The words above are the beginning of a message by Erika Hewitt in the Braver/Wiser section of the UUA website. Here is the full message.