Speaker: Jamie Hinson-Rieger

Join Our Neighbors

buy modafinil france We asked UU Indianapolis if we could join them for a joint service, and they said that sounded wonderful. Join with us, as we join our neighbors for a service. Minister Jamie Hinson-Rieger will be preaching. UUCC folks will have their own breakout/discussion room after the service. Please note that their service starts at 11:00. The link to log in is … Continue reading Join Our Neighbors

Humanism: Freedom and Responsibility

cytotec online order This sermon will explore the tremendous impact of the humanist movement on 20th century Unitarian Universalism, which welcomed atheists and agnostics into our religious tradition. How did humanist thinking about God  and the universe help shape our ideas about freedom and responsibility? How does it continue to challenge us today? And what do Star Trek … Continue reading Humanism: Freedom and Responsibility