buy provigil in usa Singer-songwriter Ellis Delaney is originally from Texas, but now lives in Minneapolis with her/their family. As a member of the Common Ground Meditation Center and the local Unitarian Universalist Church, musical themes of love, justice, and how to show up in meaningful ways can’t help but be the root of many of her/their songs. The message in music and words that Ellis brings us touch upon trusting in the nature of life, and meeting the rollercoaster of this human experience with an undefended heart. Sharing a growing understanding of just how deep the roots of white supremacy and privilege run, she/they ask, “how do I love… even this?”
(Due to the pandemic, we are meeting online rather than in person. Check your email or our private Facebook group for the Zoom meeting ID and password. If you are not on our email list, please contact our minister for this information:
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