buy clomid from pakistan There is a lot of handwringing in many religious circles about secularism as an enemy of religion. But not all “secularisms” are the same, and an eye for nuance is needed as we navigate an increasingly secular world.
Tecámac de Felipe Villanueva Derek is a former geologist, and a minister ordained in 2005 by a UU church in Michigan, and recorded as a Quaker minister in 2015. He has served progressive churches and religious non-profits across multiple denominations including the UUA. At present he lives in Richmond, Indiana with his husband Jason. Derek serves as pastor to the Universalist Church of Eldorado, Ohio; and as an activities coordinator at Friends Fellowship Community (a Quaker retirement community.
(Due to the pandemic, we are meeting online rather than in person. Check your email or our private Facebook group for the Zoom meeting ID and password. If you are not on our email list, please contact our minister for this information: