order clomid from canada Mobility: The entry on the Jefferson Street side of the Church is ramped and there is a greeter there on Sunday mornings. There is a washroom on the upper floor that is not accessible. There are stairs going down to reach the Fellowship hall. All of the Religious Exploration classrooms are downstairs. The family restroom is downstairs and is not accessible to a wheelchair. It is a goal of this congregation to either move into or create an accessible space. If you have any questions or concerns about mobility please contact us.
San Pablo de las Salinas Vision: Large print hymnals are always available. Please ask any usher for assistance. If you would like an orientation tour of the building during the week, contact the church office to make arrangements.
Hearing: We use an RF system in our Sanctuary and headsets are available from the sound tech person for the day. During church services anyone speaking is strongly encouraged to use the microphone so that everyone can hear.
Chemical Sensitivity: If you have a chemical sensitivity please contact the minister to discuss accommodations you might need in order to attend this congregation.
Pastoral Care: We provide pastoral care to all members regardless of ability. While we may not be able to fully remedy every situation we can provide a compassionate ear and a willingness to enlist the help of others. If you have a hidden disability that you think it’s important for someone to know, please contact the minister or a member of the care and concern team to share your information in confidence.
Service Animals: There is a lawn area to the South and West side of the building where service animals may relieve themselves.
Parking and Transit: There are 3 permitted parking spaces in the lot behind the church off of Jefferson Street and curbside parking on Clinton Street, which does require steps to enter the building. Danville does not have accessible transit.
If you have any questions not answered or concerns not addressed, please contact the church office to seek further information at 317-745-9978 or