UUCCHC Action Day

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aguishly Date/Time
Date(s) - August 21, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Kilju Categories

As we are all excited to return to church services, your Board of Directors is actively preparing for our return.  One first step is to ensure that the church is a warm, clean, and safe place for us to conduct services and all activities in.  Therefore, the board has planned a UUCCHC Action Day for all members to participate in to help prepare the church after being semi-vacant for almost 18 months.

We are planning for the ACTION Day to be held on  Saturday, August 21, starting at 9 a.m., only a short 5 weeks away.  We are asking for 2 things of you, right now.

First, we need to be sure we can count on of all of you for this effort as many hands make light work.  Please let Jeff Haverly (jshave229@gmail.com) know that you will be able to help on that day.  And please do so ASAP but before July 31.

We have a preliminary job list. Decide what tasks you feel best to handle.  Our Faye Ferrell and Marci Alvis-Slinski will be playing a coordinating roll in the project.  Thank you.  As we come out of the COVID 19 pandemic, we must be sure that a quality cleaning effort takes place.  The leaders will then coordinate with those helping out.

The cleaning effort includes:

1.     Sanctuary (pews, pulpit, instruments, tables, all surfaces, windows (as needed)

2.     RE rooms and Clinton St. entrance, (tables and chairs)

3.     Kitchen & appliances

4.     Bathrooms (upstairs and downstairs)

5.     Overflow room and office

6.     Outside (landscape & entrances)

Thank you for joining in this “All Hands On Deck” event.

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