Creating Our Religious Community on Sundays

Special Announcement
The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Hendricks County embraces freedom of thought and creates a place where people come together to encourage each other to spiritual growth that makes for peace, ethical living, and community service.

Our congregation is small, but mighty. We step up and give our time – playing music, sharing messages, leading worship, running tech – and during the uncertainties of the past few years we endeavored to create Sunday services that would engage each other and our larger community despite any barriers to gatherings.

For the past few months, we have offered hybrid services, including both in-person and virtual options simultaneously, trying to foster personal connection while also keeping our reach broad. However, these hybrid services are labor-intensive beyond our means and they are not offering the opportunity to create the sense of community we covenant to foster. We are also concerned that offering hybrid services is impacting the quality of services we produce.

And so, beginning on September 11, UUCCHC will resume solely in-person services on Sundays.

We know that some individuals currently engaging with our church may not be able to join us in-person. However, they deserve a religious community that can truly engage them where they are, whether closer to them geographically or able to maintain a strong virtual program. If anyone is in need, Rev. Joel will gladly help make connections to other UU congregations through his networks to ensure that the best fit is found.

We appreciate the time and expertise shared with us by so many of our wonderful volunteers as we produced virtual and hybrid services. These efforts have kept us going when we could have faltered completely. We encourage everyone to bring that same passion as we now look forward and ask that you join us in creating opportunities to cultivate our religious community together in-person.

UUCC Board of Trustees; 2022-23 President: Natalie Brake, Vice-president: Annie Johnson, Secretary: Eileen Alexander, Treasurer: Brad Uebinger, Member at Large: Melaney Sargent, Minister: Rev. Joel Tishken