
generic Aurogra canada Membership in our church brings with it the benefits of belonging to a growing spiritual community. Only members can vote in congregational elections.

The more members we have, the more influence we can have as a liberal religious body in our own community and in the world.
Benefits include:

  • Being a part of and making a commitment to a Congregation of like-minded people, greatly increasing your circle of family and friends for fellowship and spiritual growth.
    Subscription to the UU World Magazine
    Subscription to the Heartland UU District Newsletter
    Use of facilities for special ceremonies (e.g. weddings, funerals, child dedication)
    Serving as a church officer, member of the Executive Board, or member of the Committee on Ministry
    Helping by joining any number of important committees, all important to the continued success of UUCC, in ALL we do.
    Responsibilities of Membership

We ask that you join one of our committees to meet other members and become aware of what our church is doing in the community. By joining a committee you will meet new people and make a few friends, put your talents to use, and feel like a part of our community. Feel free to contact the membership committee for more information on the various committees.

See a list of our church’s Organizational Pillars here (.docx format)

Other opportunities for involvement include:

  • Fall cleanup of church grounds
  • Cleanup after activities
  • Social Justice (link to social justice part of site)
  • Child care / Religious Exploration
  • Cooking
  • Providing rides to and from church
  • Greeting
  • Phone calls
  • Chalice lighting
  • Speaking in church
  • Contributing to the newsletter
  • Cares and Concerns
  • Becoming a Worship Associate
  • Music Committee and part of Sunday Services
  • Attend Congregational Meetings

Board Meetings are held monthly and are open to all members of UUCC. We hold an Annual Meeting of the congregation in November. We elect our church officers, hear reports, and approve a budget and may discuss and vote on other important issues. The authority to do these things lies with the congregation itself. All UUCC members are allowed to vote and voice concerns / recommendations. This is your opportunity to speak on the business of the church.

Occasionally a congregational meeting will be called to discuss and vote on other matters that relate to the church. You are encouraged to attend these as well.

Accept Financial Responsibility

As a part of your membership, we ask that you accept financial responsibility to keep our church in sound financial shape. As a community we acknowledge and accept the responsibility of supporting our church. All members are asked to contribute financially as they are able.

We have giving guidelines that will be in your New Member Packet. Financial contributions are accepted weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. These arrangements can be made with our treasurer. Please feel free to contact any officer of the board for more information for more information.