Category: Congregation News

Splinters From the Board

buy Clomiphene by the pill Jeff will be sending out pledge summaries soon so we can all see where we stand for the year.  We discussed plans for our participation in the Pride Festival. We are in further discussions with the Danville planning department regarding the Jefferson street door.

Theological Statement on Masking from our Minister If I were to characterize the “good news” of UUism–the thing we have to offer that you can’t get elsewhere in the same way–it would be that we offer an alternative way of being. We emphasize love and tolerance over prejudice and hate, abundance over scarcity thinking, sharing and a concern for others over crass … Continue reading Theological Statement on Masking from our Minister


The church building reopens for in person services on April 24, while continuing to live cast the service through Zoom. This hybrid approach allows those who wish to return to in person services to attend at church, and any who feel safer or have other reasons they cannot attend in person can still attend by … Continue reading Reopening!

Sermon Takeaways from Rev. Joel

Takeaway tips from 3/13 sermon on Microaggressions Know when to step in or step back about our own harms Be mindful of our impacts Be open to discussing our biases Practice microinterventions as we are able.  Takeaway tips from 3/20 sermon on Happiness Choose it. Care for our whole selves. Challenge negativity and cultivate optimism. … Continue reading Sermon Takeaways from Rev. Joel

Message on Membership

The most important thing we need to add to what we’re doing is Membership. Please consider joining a revived Membership Committee. Several members and myself are providing some of the elements of what the Membership Committee does. But maintaining a healthy congregation, one that wishes to grow, means we need a fully functioning Membership Comm. … Continue reading Message on Membership

Splinters from the Board

Your Board continues to work on plans for re-opening when appropriate, expanding outreach into our community, and the expansion of Rev. Joel’s ministry through Wednesday hours and Zoom meetings. Natalie Brake and Annie Johnson will soon be attending AWOL training to enhance our certification in the RE department. A special note from Eileen … You may … Continue reading Splinters from the Board

Splinters from the Board

Your UUCCHC board has been working hard to make sure that our services continue to run and that we are prepared to open the church when the time is right. Here are a few things that the board needs you to know : Mark your calendars for the annual meeting scheduled for April 24. We … Continue reading Splinters from the Board

New Virtual Office Hours

Starting in February, I am adding several additional forms of ministry to our church:     Every Wednesday I will be holding virtual office hours from 2-6 pm. Let’s chat via phone or video link. Feel free to reserve a time slot in advance via text or email, or reach out spontaneously. You don’t need … Continue reading New Virtual Office Hours

In-person UUA General Assembly 2022

Registration is now open for in-person attendance. Full-time registration is$475 for adults, and $250 for high school youth and retired and candidateministers. Financial support for registration, lodging credit within the GAhousing block, as well as a payment plan are available. In-personregistration rates will increase on March 1 and again on May 1. Registrationfor virtual participation … Continue reading In-person UUA General Assembly 2022