Wow! A Website Update!

A combination of Winter Break and the Polar Vortex kept me away from the computer for the last few weeks, but now that everything is dug out, the kids are back to school, and my house is in slightly better shape, I’m finally tackling the website! Thanks everyone for your patience!

  1. Finally took down the Christmas decorations, including the Christmas Day Dinner banner.
  2. Added the past issues of the newsletter to the archive
  3. Finally updated the newsletter!
  4. Added all sorts of events to the calendar and events page. There’s a lot going on in the next couple of months!
  5. Got the front page all ready for Thirty Days of Love
  6. Changed up the front page slide-show to showcase some new ongoing events
  7. Updated the Nursery Volunteer Schedule

Thanks again for your patience! If you need anything, make sure to email or facebook me!

~ Chris


Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.