Welcome to Creativity

There are so many ways to be creative in our lives. We all know that people who engage in music, written and visual arts are creative. And yet creativity is about so much more than that.

Creativity calls us to step outside of the way we have done things before. Creativity helps us to problem solve in new ways. In the story that was the center of our first service this month the children of the town addressed their concern by being silly rather than mean.

Creativity is essential as we address the problems in this world. It is a skill that allows us to consider the other side. It allows us to look at a variety of ways to address problems until we find what works.

As you look at this packet you’ll notice many elements. The purpose is to help all of us explore each topic in a variety of ways. Near the end there are questions. I invite you to consider one or more questions as you go through the month.

I am pleased that a few people contributed this month. I hope as time goes on you will contribute songs, artwork, poems, music and books or your own thoughts on the theme of the month.


In Faith –

Rev. Jennifer Gray

Posted in Web Updates.