Website Wednesday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Website Wednesday! There weren’t that many updates this week, and before I get into them, I’d like to point you to our Facebook page, where many awesome pictures of our very successful auction were posted by Dan and Amy Eller. Thanks for the pictures, folks! After you’ve checked out the pictures, here are this week’s updates:

  1. Jesi updated Last Week in Credo
  2. Updated the Upcoming Sermon list
  3. Added a link to the pictures on Facebook to the slideshow. Seriously, go check them out!
  4. Created a Twitter page for UUCC. Haven’t done much with it yet, but it’s there! So, feel free to add it.
  5. Did a couple of under the hood updates in preparation for a future big update.

So, there you go! Hope everyone has a great week, and I’ll see them here again next Wednesday!

Posted in Web Updates.