Website Wednesday

Well, things are back to normal around here, so, barring unforeseen circumstances, the website should be back to Wednesday updates. Here’s this week’s:

  1. The newsletter is available online as well as in your email
  2. The events page and calendar have been updated to reflect upcoming events
  3. The slideshow has also been updated. Please make sure to check out the information about the Annual Budget Drive!

That should be it! See everyone next week!


Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.

This Week on the Web

Hello again!

Ahh, summer…two months full of 4-H projects and children hogging my computer. So, yep, I’m horribly behind in updating the website. But, have no fear! Your humble web admin is back with a whole bunch of new and exciting website updates! So, hold on to your hats!

  1. Updated the Bios page to reflect a change in the UUCC board composition.
  2. Posted the skipped newsletters to the Newsletter Archive page.
  3. The Newsletter is now available in both your email inbox and online. 🙂
  4. Realized I messed up on updating the calendar. Amy Hayden’s series on Healthy Eating is in October, and the Buddhist Meditation group continues until the end of August.
  5. Since I updated the newsletter, I also updated the events page and the front page slide show.
  6. Fixed the Volunteer Opportunities tab on our Facebook Page to comply with Facebook’s SSL requirements
  7. Updated the upcoming sermons and the recorded sermons (there wasn’t much to update…)
  8. Last, but not least, I started workin on a super secret project for the Ministerial Search Committee…well, ok…it’s not “secret”, but it’s still not done. But, keep an eye out for new stuff in the next couple of weeks!

I think that does it. Thanks for your patience! As always, if you need anything on the website, drop me an email and I’ll get to it as soon as I can!


Posted in Board, Newsletter, Web Updates.

Today on the Website

Hello everyone! Here’s your weekly dose of website updates:

  1. The Newsletter is available in your email and on the website.
  2. I’ve updated the Upcoming Sermons page for the next few months. (of course, those sermons are subject to be updated and/or change as time passes!)
  3. Added the latest sermon to the Recorded Sermons page

Not much else is going on this week. Don’t forget to check out the Summer Retreat page and register soon if you want to go! It sounds like it’s gonna be an awesome weekend. Until next time!


Posted in Web Updates.

Website Wednesday

Ahhh…it’s so nice to be back into the regular flow of things –Well, at least until Summer Vacation, when I’ll once again be forced to steal my computer back from the kids every week!

But, I’ve done quite a bit of work this week, so make sure you check it out!

  1. Added a whole bunch of information about Indy Pride to our LGBT Justice Page, including the flyer with all the events listed.
  2. Posted Rev. Lynda’s latest letter to the Minister’s Corner.
  3. I’ve added a whole bunch of Volunteer Opportunities to the list on the website and Facebook. Check it out! I’m sure you’ll find something you’re interested in! (if the Facebook App gives you an unsecured page warning, just allow it. Facebook recently decided that all apps have to have a certified webpage attached to them, and I’m still working on fixing that.)
  4. The Newsletter, of course, is now available in your email and online. The events page is also updated. Wow, there’s a lot of stuff coming up!
  5. A bunch of upcoming events have been added to the calendar, as well.
  6. Actually remembered to upload the updated Upcoming Services page. Oops?

Until next week!


Posted in Social Justice, Web Updates.

Indy Pride is Coming!

The 25th Annual Circle City Pride Festival is June 1-June 8. I hope to see lots of people there Standing on the Side of Love in support of the LGBT community! UUI marches in the parade every year, so if you want to do that, you can contact them for more information. Otherwise, show up in your yellow SSL shirts and watch from the sidelines, and then enjoy the Festival afterwards!


Posted in Social Justice.

Website Weekly

Hello everyone! I’m sorry this update is so late, but I’ve had a really crazy couple of weeks. But, things are finally back to some semblance of normal, so, without further ado, here’s this week’s web updates!

  1. Last week, before things went nuts, I added more information to the Retreat page, including a video provided by Annie Johnson.
  2. A whole bunch of pictures from this year’s Standing on the Side of Love Gay Rights Rally have been added to the Facebook Page. There’s also a video of Phil Gulley’s speech, courtesy of Karen Cravotta.
  3. Better late than never! Last week’s Newsletter is updated and posted.
  4. I also made sure to update Rev. Lynda Smith’s letter on the Minister’s Corner page.
  5. Information about the 2013 Indy Pride Parade has been added to the SJC page.
  6. The UUCC Calendar has been updated as much as I can. 🙂
  7. Added the latest sermons to the Recorded Sermon page.
  8. Cleaned and updated the list of Upcoming Sermons.
  9. Updated the Nursery Volunteer List

That’s all for this update! Have a wonderful week!

Chris B.

Posted in Newsletter, Social Justice, Web Updates.

Website Wednesday

Hi everyone!

Didn’t have much to update this week.

  1. The big project is the Event Form that I’ll be implementing soon on the website. It’ll be a one-stop shop to submit your events to the calendar, newsletter, order of service, etc. So, watch this space for updates!
  2. The only other big thing I had to do was add the SWIMMING POOL WITH WATERSLIDE to the retreat information page. Yep, it’s so important that I put it in all-Caps! 🙂
  3. Oh, and don’t forget, the big, huge congregational meeting to pick the Ministerial Search Committee is coming up on April 28 immediately following the Service. You should get a letter in the mail with information on the meeting and candidates. If you don’t, contact the board.
  4. Other than that, I had to fix a few bugs that I forgot to stomp last week. Sorry for the gigantic pictures on the events page!

Hope everyone has a lovely week. I’ll talk to you all next week!


Posted in Board, Minister Search Committee, Web Updates.

Website Weekly

It’s Spring Break, so the weekly update is running a little late. (What, did you think my kids let me have the computer while they’re home?) But, anyway, without further ado, here’s this week’s updates:

  1. Have you followed the new UUCC Twitter Account yet? It’s not much, but it’s somewhere else to find out what’s going on with our congregation and UUs all over the place. 
  2. The newest Newsletter is now available in your email and online.
  3. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the upcoming First Annual UUCC Fun Weekend Retreat is now available for your perusal on the webpage.
  4. I added the write up and information about The Courageous Love Award our congregation gave to the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity.
  5. Updated a couple of things on the Calendar, including the Upcoming Open Beltane (April 30) and The Annual Pool Party (July 21)

Well, I think that’s about it. Until next week!


Posted in Newsletter, Social Justice, Web Updates.

Website Wednesday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Website Wednesday! There weren’t that many updates this week, and before I get into them, I’d like to point you to our Facebook page, where many awesome pictures of our very successful auction were posted by Dan and Amy Eller. Thanks for the pictures, folks! After you’ve checked out the pictures, here are this week’s updates:

  1. Jesi updated Last Week in Credo
  2. Updated the Upcoming Sermon list
  3. Added a link to the pictures on Facebook to the slideshow. Seriously, go check them out!
  4. Created a Twitter page for UUCC. Haven’t done much with it yet, but it’s there! So, feel free to add it.
  5. Did a couple of under the hood updates in preparation for a future big update.

So, there you go! Hope everyone has a great week, and I’ll see them here again next Wednesday!

Posted in Web Updates.

Credo Update – 3/24/13

Last Credo we talked about how our culture is a breeding ground for rape and what to do about “rape culture”. We discussed the portrayal of one gender being weaker than the other. We also talked about how young people, especially males are pressured into seeking sexual experience as a measure of self worth, of what it means to be a man. How do you be there for the victim while making sure the accused receives proper due process. How do you maintain un-biased when you find such a situation between two people you would trust without hesitation? These are some of the things we talked about and which may be the subject for our next Credo session- but which may be subject to change. If you have not yourself been a victim you likely know someone who has and the discussion was not without some very personal feelings, memories and struggles.  It was pointed out that men are also raped from time to time and that men’s shelters are often nonexistent. It was also brought up that many shelters, while they do infact provide shelter are tainted by social taboo, with women often being directly or indirectly encouraged to go back to there abusers. Arguments such as “God’s disapproval of divorce” and “you can change him”. Lastly we talked about how in many tribal cultures the women, especially the elders are the family and can and how raping the women of the clan dis-empowers a whole people  are already struggling to maintain some sense of identity.

There are no words here to explain the impact rape has on not only victims but their families, rippling out across many generations- and so, for entry I would would like to share a video with all of you. 

To The Indigenous Woman Long Format, Poem by 1491s

Posted in Credo.