Inspirational Quotes – Creativity


“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.” – Pablo Picasso

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”  – Albert Einstein

“Creativity takes courage.”   – Henri Matisse

 “An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.” – Oscar Wilde

 “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”  – Martha Graham

“The question is not if we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

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Family section

A family that creates together, has fun together!

Interested in raising creative children? Then it’s time for you to play along! Research shows that children tend to be more creative if they see their parents participate in creative activities as well. Below are a few ideas, but there are many books on instilling creativity in the home!

Instead of pulling out the art supplies and paper for your child, pull up a seat and join in the fun! Allow children to create masterpieces from a variety of materials. Side note: if your children are into coloring books, and you’re not into the latest Spiderman or LalaLoopsy books, you can find a great line of thematic coloring books- such as Henna tattoos, paisley prints, flowers, and fashion, over at Michaels. Coloring with older children can be a great way to open the lines of communication in a relaxing environment.

Build something together! Get out the hammer and nails and create something- either a design of your own or follow plans. Stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot also have kid-friendly classes too! Don’t be afraid to show your children how to fix things around the house. Not only is it practical, but it shows real-life problem solving strategies.

Praise your child when you see him/her using creative problem solving skills. Role play creative ways to work through difficult situations.

Try new foods! Cook together and experiment by trying a new twist on your family’s favorite recipes. Having an ethnic food night? Pull up appropriate music to match and dance along!

– By Renee Bowman


Posted in Web Updates.

Welcome to Creativity

There are so many ways to be creative in our lives. We all know that people who engage in music, written and visual arts are creative. And yet creativity is about so much more than that.

Creativity calls us to step outside of the way we have done things before. Creativity helps us to problem solve in new ways. In the story that was the center of our first service this month the children of the town addressed their concern by being silly rather than mean.

Creativity is essential as we address the problems in this world. It is a skill that allows us to consider the other side. It allows us to look at a variety of ways to address problems until we find what works.

As you look at this packet you’ll notice many elements. The purpose is to help all of us explore each topic in a variety of ways. Near the end there are questions. I invite you to consider one or more questions as you go through the month.

I am pleased that a few people contributed this month. I hope as time goes on you will contribute songs, artwork, poems, music and books or your own thoughts on the theme of the month.


In Faith –

Rev. Jennifer Gray

Posted in Web Updates.

Gray Areas: Reflections from the Minister

October is a creative month. The trees are changing from stunning green into a variety of colors. The weather as changing as this part of the world begins to settle into the long exhale that is winter. We begin to see decorations (sometimes for Christmas) in October. And at the end of the month, as the veil between the worlds grows thin, many of us choose to participate in Halloween. Halloween is a time when we get to step into another possibility for a while. You have permission to try on something new. To be someone new, just for a night.

This month we are going to try a few things that relate to creativity. You saw the first on Sunday. Our entire community was together for a service that wove in and out of our regular worship elements. It was a fun service and a great way to come together as a community.

At the end of the month we are going to try something completely different. And once again it is going to be something the entire community does. To prepare for that service please consider what you would write for a six word sentence about UUCC. Please send your six word sentences to me or Lynn Jettpace over the next couple of weeks. It could be anything: “This place is a spiritual home.” Or “I love these fun, weird, people.” Or ?? Sunday the 19th of October will be the last day to submit sentences.

We are also going to be thinking about creative self-care this month. Self-Care is anything you do that renews you. Taking a walk in the woods, reading a book, playing with children, painting, could all be suggestions for self-care. It would be great if some of those suggestions were Hendricks County specific. If we can reach one hundred suggestions we will put them together in one document for everyone.

It is a good month to explore creativity together.

In faith, Rev. Jenn


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Standing on the Side of Love!

The Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Hendricks County celebrates the arrival of equal access to marriage in Indiana!!

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Guess what day it is!

Yep! Website Wednesday! And today, for your viewing pleasure, here are your updates:

  1. Your newsletter is available on the website and in your email inbox
  2. There’s all sorts of stuff coming up this month! Go check it all out at
  3. There’s a new sermon available on the Sermons page. Also, don’t forget, you can subscribe to our Past Sermon feed on your favorite podcast app! Just enter to add it to your list!

As always, direct any questions or comments to

See you at church!


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Website Wednesday, Here we come!

Hello everyone!

Guess what today is? Yep, time for your web updates. So, without further ado….

  1. If you haven’t checked your email yet, there’s a really spiffy new version of the newsletter waiting in your inbox! Of course, you can still find the regular version at or download the pdf here.
  2. There’s tons of upcoming events, including the First Annual No Talent Necessary Talent Show and an exciting Key’s, Strings, and Other Things, featuring The Half Step Sisters. You can keep track of these and more by checking out the events page or online calendar.
  3. Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? To find out, and for more information on Voting on the Side of Love, check out the resources at or to learn more about voting rights, visit
  4. Want to know what’s coming up next Sunday? Check out the list of upcoming sermons at
  5. Did you know that you can listen to past sermons on our website? You can find them at There’s also an RSS feed in the works 🙂

There’s a lot of great things in the works! Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date!

Until Next Time!


Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.

PDF Newsletter September 23rd, 2014

Click link to view .PDF


UUCC News September 24 14

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Religious Exploration update 09/23/2014

What a turnout we had for our day of Teacher Training! Twenty dedicated volunteers spent 4 hours learning and collaborating together. These volunteers are proof that our church can rise to the occasion when needed! Why? We have 64 children and youth registered for Religious Exploration this year! See the RE bulletin board for pictures of our classroom teachers and (soon) class pictures.
Last week, our children and youth worked on covenants for their classrooms and learned some new routines for this year. Everyone is off to a great start.
Sept. 28th- Rosie Blankenship will be visiting all our RE classes to share how bee keeping has provided growth in many aspects of her life!
Oct. 5th- Intergenerational Service, “Outlawing of Jelly Beans and Other Injustices.” You won’t want to miss it! The service will be engaging for one and all. However, if your young one is struggling, we will have someone available downstairs to watch children.
Renee Bowman,
Director of Religious Exploration

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First Annual No Talent Necessary Talent Show!!!

When: Saturday Oct. 11th from 6:30-9 p.m. Where: UUCC Sanctuary and Overflow Room Who: Adults & Children, any and all welcome. Bring friends! What: Dazzle the masses with your abilities of any kind or place a sculpture or art piece in the overflow room. (Performing is not required to attend, please attend to support your friends) What’s Provided: Goodies and beverages at intermission Why: Because we all need a bit more fun in our lives! Ideas: Poetry, skits, magic tricks, songs, crazy saying, Lego sculptures, drawings, “look what I can do” things, etc…. Sign-ups: Sign-ups will be available on Sunday the 28th until the Friday before the event. There will be an open call period as well for those not able to sign-up prior to the event. Remember: Tasha has a crazy weird talent to display that evening. You need to be there to be there to witness it first hand! Questions or to register through e-mail- please email Tasha at

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