Ministerial Search Begins with a Phone Call

Every member of the UUCC congregation will be getting a phone call next week. The calls are being made by the UUCC Board of Directors to ask each of our members whom they would like to see on the Ministerial Search Committee.

Following the recommendations of the UUA for the formation of Ministerial Search Committees, the Board will undertake a phone campaign to all active members of the church. These calls will take place from March 11-23. Members will be asked to consider certain qualities that make for good search members and to name those they trust to serve on the Ministerial Search Committee.

Search Committee is major Commitment

Members of the Committee may well devote a minimum of 20 hours monthly for ten months or so. In addition, there is added time involved when the pre-candidating interviews get underway. Searching for a minister must be a top priority for members of the Search Committee. There are particular tasks and functions for each member of the search committee. Travel and time away from church and family will be required. Members who serve on the search committee will need to resign all other leadership positions in the church during the search process.

From March 24-30, Board members will contact the individuals who are named through the phone campaign to discuss the commitment and willingness to serve. Members who agree to resign all positions if selected to the Search Committee will be placed on the slate of candidates for consideration. Candidates will complete an Interest Form, which will be posted in the Fellowship Hall and sent with the official notice of meeting.

The goal is to present a slate of 12-14 candidates for congregational vote at a special meeting on April 28, 2013. Official notice of this meeting will be sent to all members in accordance with the bylaws. At the special meeting, each member will be given a ballot to elect four people. The board will tally the votes and determine the top four elected by the congregation. The board will appoint three additional members from the slate in addition to the four elected by the congregation. All candidates will be notified of the outcome followed by notice to the congregation of the seven members. The Board will keep strictly confidential the number of votes and which members of the final Search Committee were elected and which were appointed.

What makes for a good search committee member?

Consider qualities such as:

  • Commitment to the nature, purpose and activities of the congregation;
  • Commitment to UU pluralism in every area: theology, life styles, social concern;
  • Able to patiently work for consensus rather than insisting upon majority rule or minority tyranny;
  • Has the time to be thoroughly and continually involved;
  • Does not have rigid requirements as to a minister’s sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, ethnicity, age, etc.;
  • Constantly remembers the wishes of the congregation, who will not permit the Search Committee to become an autonomous, independent (and finally irresponsible) entity;
  • Has a history of UU involvement;
  • Can respect the confidentiality of the process, but who, nonetheless, is eager to keep the congregation informed regarding the progress that is being made; and
  • Has a cooperative disposition, not disputatious.

Qualities to avoid in good search committee candidates include:

  • Defines the congregation in narrow, exclusive terms;
  • Has rigid, authoritarian ideas coupled with little respect for differences, e.g. the militant Humanist or Pagan, the intolerant Christian, the rabid one-issue social activist, the gadfly, etc.;
  • Readily accedes to any request, but does not follow through;
  • Feels that “we know best,” thus urging the Search Committee to ignore the expressed wishes of the congregation.

The calling board member will ask “Who do you trust to serve on the Search Committee on behalf of the congregation?”

We encourage members to name at least four members for consideration on the Search Committee.

This weekend, we will send a separate email to members with email addresses and include a list of the active Members in the church. Please peruse this list as you give thoughtful consideration in anticipation of talking to a member of the Board in the next couple of weeks.

Posted in Board, Minister Search Committee.