Interested in Social Justice? The Social Justice Committee is trying something new and we would like YOU to join us. Many in the UU faith believe that “Service is our Prayer.” If you are looking for ways to be a larger part of the ‘community within’ as well as the greater community we would like you to join us on Thursday October 2 at 7:00 p.m. when we will meet with a new format. We plan to begin meeting the first Thursday of each month to discuss how Social Justice ties into the themes of the month. Instead of it solely being a business meeting each time, we’d really like to switch the primary focus to how our Social Justice work as individuals, a team, a church, and a community, can help build and shape our spiritual growth and personal theology. Think chalice circle-ish. We will still devote a small portion of time to discuss the business of SJC initiatives, but this will be pretty small relatively speaking. Please come try it out and see what you think!
Interested in Social Justice?
Posted in Newsletter.