Well, after a couple of very busy weeks and a short, but awesome vacation, I’m finally back and better than ever! So, Sorry about the delays folks, but I have plenty of tasty new content for you today!
- Calendar updates galore! All the upcoming RE events to prepare for Fall, the pool party, and more!
- Yep, I finally got around to updating the newsletter.
- In the better late than never corner, a whole bunch of pictures of the Annual Service Auction have been posted to our Facebook Page. Thanks Faye and Jesi!
- I even managed to update the list of upcoming sermons! Rev. Jennifer Gray’s first sermons is this Sunday!
So, as always, if you need to add anything to the website, or you have questions/comments/suggestions/complaints, drop me an email at uuccweb@uucchc.org and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. Have a great week!