Gray Areas: Reflections from the Minister

October is a creative month. The trees are changing from stunning green into a variety of colors. The weather as changing as this part of the world begins to settle into the long exhale that is winter. We begin to see decorations (sometimes for Christmas) in October. And at the end of the month, as the veil between the worlds grows thin, many of us choose to participate in Halloween. Halloween is a time when we get to step into another possibility for a while. You have permission to try on something new. To be someone new, just for a night.

This month we are going to try a few things that relate to creativity. You saw the first on Sunday. Our entire community was together for a service that wove in and out of our regular worship elements. It was a fun service and a great way to come together as a community.

At the end of the month we are going to try something completely different. And once again it is going to be something the entire community does. To prepare for that service please consider what you would write for a six word sentence about UUCC. Please send your six word sentences to me or Lynn Jettpace over the next couple of weeks. It could be anything: “This place is a spiritual home.” Or “I love these fun, weird, people.” Or ?? Sunday the 19th of October will be the last day to submit sentences.

We are also going to be thinking about creative self-care this month. Self-Care is anything you do that renews you. Taking a walk in the woods, reading a book, playing with children, painting, could all be suggestions for self-care. It would be great if some of those suggestions were Hendricks County specific. If we can reach one hundred suggestions we will put them together in one document for everyone.

It is a good month to explore creativity together.

In faith, Rev. Jenn


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