Category Archives: Social Justice

Website Weekly

It’s Spring Break, so the weekly update is running a little late. (What, did you think my kids let me have the computer while they’re home?) But, anyway, without further ado, here’s this week’s updates:

  1. Have you followed the new UUCC Twitter Account yet? It’s not much, but it’s somewhere else to find out what’s going on with our congregation and UUs all over the place. 
  2. The newest Newsletter is now available in your email and online.
  3. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the upcoming First Annual UUCC Fun Weekend Retreat is now available for your perusal on the webpage.
  4. I added the write up and information about The Courageous Love Award our congregation gave to the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity.
  5. Updated a couple of things on the Calendar, including the Upcoming Open Beltane (April 30) and The Annual Pool Party (July 21)

Well, I think that’s about it. Until next week!


Posted in Newsletter, Social Justice, Web Updates.

Family Promise

Family Promise is a nonsectarian non-profit organization with over 160,000 volunteers nationwide working towards “a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future together.” At the center of their efforts are Interfaith Hospitality Networks (IHN), which are currently operating in 41 states and the District of Columbia. These networks work with churches, social services agencies, and volunteers to provide lodging, fellowship, and case management services to homeless families.

Mike Hartley has been working hard to bring this wonderful program to Hendricks County to fill a much needed gap in services in our county. He’d like to invite our church to join with approximately a dozen others to form Family Promise of Hendricks County. For more information, check out



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