It Matters That We Don’t Let Up We have received a message from the UUA President. Read the press release. We have received a message from the UUA President. Read the press release. Looking for a good read and a group of people interested in discussing it? Look no further than the newly forming UUCC Book Discussion Group. And we are fortunate to have a book club veteran to lead the group! Kristin Roahrig-Malloy has agreed to be the facilitator of this group that will begin meeting on Wednesday, … Continue reading Zoom In to UUCC Book Group
Let’s Talk and Learn About Racism, White Privilege, and Improving Ourselves. In light of recent events, current times are causing many in our Congregation to look around and ask themselves, “What Next”? I grew up in a home, a community, a school with little if any exposure to diversity, not knowing or being taught about … Continue reading Let’s Start a UUCCHC Chalice Circle Discussion
The Unitarian Universalist Association issued a press release containing a message from the UUA President to congregational leaders and members.
Life is full of hard edges and complicated choices. The Unitarian Universalist Association delivers original written reflections, grounded in Unitarian Universalism, accompanied by brief prayers. Read the latest in Braver/Wiser.
None of us can see into the future to know how the pandemic will affect our personal finances. For those of us who still have jobs or have a steady retirement income, imagining the future is a luxury we can afford. But for those whose incomes have been seriously impacted, they have only the hardships … Continue reading UUCC Humanitarian Relief Fund
Religious Exploration is starting back up, Sunday, June 14th at 5 p.m., via Zoom meetings! The first few meetings will consist of open discussion covering current events and learning to adjust to the “new norm”. After that we will gradually move into the 7 principles, what they mean to us, how we can incorporate them into our … Continue reading Religious Exploration Restarting
Jim has put together a list of 20 annoying items that he thinks need to be fixed at church. In light of the fact that he doesn’t have much to do in the “new covid-19 era”, Jim with some assistance, is quietly working his way through the list. It seemed like a perfect time considering the building … Continue reading Jim Ferrell Is Tearing Up Our Church
The annual meeting of UUCCHC was held after the service on Sunday,April 26th. A quorum was met and the meeting was brief with just three items on the agenda and ballot: 1. Do you vote for the proposed change to the UUCCHC By-Laws allowing special case votes, as determined by the Board of Directors, to … Continue reading Report from our Annual Meeting
Myke Johnson writes “I wake in the night with pain in my heart for all that is happening in our country, and I feel utterly powerless.” Read his response to this feeling in Braver/Wiser.