A Conversation on Covenant
can you buy gabapentin online Rev Susan Frederick-gray posted a video recording of a conversation about a study commission for our Principles and Purposes. View it here.
can you buy gabapentin online Rev Susan Frederick-gray posted a video recording of a conversation about a study commission for our Principles and Purposes. View it here.
http://modernsmile.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association When Indiana locked down due to COVID-19, UUCC had a question to answer: How will we meet our congregational needs? In response, UUCC found a way. We held a congregational first on March 15, 2020, taking our services virtual to continue offering gatherings with our beloved community. Over the past 14 months, we have learned … Continue reading The Future of Fellowship at UUCC
Sometimes love is simply letting someone else like what they like.
IMPORTANT!!!Annual Congregational Meeting April 25th What can I say to convince you to attend (via Zoom) UUCC’s Annual Congregational Meeting immediately following the service on Sunday, April 25, 2021? Rev. Joel will throw a tantrum if you aren’t there.No, Joel is too calm and collected to do that. His feelings may be hurt if you … Continue reading Annual Meeting 2021
The President of the Unitarian-Universalist Association tells us that we are in a critical phase of the pandemic where we need to reduce the spread of the virus to combat new variants while vaccine distribution continues. Read her statement.
On Sunday, April 25th we will have our Annual Meeting to set the course for our next year of operation by voting to approve a budget, and voting to elect three new board members. To keep our doors of liberal religion in Hendricks County open and active, we need the commitment of members to serve … Continue reading You May Be a Perfect Fit
… Which Direction Will We Go? Many congregations have been hoping to do a form of “hybrid” or “dual-platform” worship as a way of getting back together in person once we near the end of the pandemic. We are called to be inclusive. We will need to balance many different needs. We will have members and … Continue reading In-Person, Online, or Both?
Stewardship. When you hear that word spoken in our church, your mind probably goes directly to your bank account. And I don’t want to down-play the importance of your financial contributions. Money is what keeps us in our building and without it, we would permanently be the Church of Z-UU-M. But our building is not what … Continue reading Are You a Noun or a Verb?
Lora Brandis writes. “Last year on Ash Wednesday, I wondered how to best mark the beginning of Lent. Seeking a way to honor both the Christian tradition of my childhood and my chosen faith of Unitarian Universalism, I wandered into a chapel at a Dallas hospital to receive the imposition of ashes.” Read the rest … Continue reading Connected by Mortality
With input from the congregation, board, and minister, please find below a list of “Things for UUCC to be proud of from 2020.” There were certainly plenty of tragic and disappointing things from the past year. However, even amid bad times we accomplish things that deserve our acknowledgement, remembrance, and gratitude. It is always healthy … Continue reading Things for UUCC to be proud of from 2020