Author: webmaster

Copyright and Worship

buy Lyrica In early 2022, various UUA pages addressing different aspects of copyright—particularly copyright issues in worship—were removed to shift focus to our new Copyright Primer for Congregations. Please visit that page to learn more.

Splinters From the Board

Much of our discussion this month centered around a potential for opening services in the sanctuary in January. Broadcasting our services on Zoom has caused us to restrict the music we can use. Since we will continue using Zoom, we have signed a license with CCS that will permit us a much wider range of … Continue reading Splinters From the Board

Support of Two Initiatives

UUCCHC has been proud of our Annual Christmas Day Dinner that we have done in years past. That event has included dozens of church members and friends in close contact with each other during meal preparation and delivery. In lieu of conducting our usual event, this year we are pleased to announce that you, the Congregants at UUCCHC, … Continue reading Support of Two Initiatives

Splinters from the Board

This has been a busy period for the Board.  In addition to maintenance issues, we approved moving monies from the savings account to the investment accounts, sending a donation to Meals on Wheels in lieu of our Christmas Day Dinner, and making plans to return to services at the church.  Services will be a combination … Continue reading Splinters from the Board

An Atheist’s Prayers

Rev. Sally Fritsche didn’t think prayer was for atheists like her. But Ernesto was nearing the end of his life. She explains.

Christmas Day Dinner 2021

I have decided, and the rest of the board agrees, not to do the Christmas Day Dinner event again this year. With the pandemic still in full swing and the church having not been reopened yet, I do not believe that we are quite ready for a big event. The board did express being open … Continue reading Christmas Day Dinner 2021

Chalice Lighters

Chalice Lighters gives grants to UU congregations for a variety of purposes. Each Region has a separate Chalice Lighter program. The grants are funded by members of churches who have committed to making a donation to Chalice Lighters three time a year, for a Fall, Winter, and Spring call. Suggested donations are $20 – Believer, … Continue reading Chalice Lighters

New Air Purification System

Thank you to Cindy and Jeff Haverly for donating the cost to purchase and install a Reme halo air purification system in our HVAC system. Below is some additional information on how it works. Thank you Haverlys! Many of you have been concerned over the years about the “sick” air smell noticed in our building. … Continue reading New Air Purification System