Annual Meeting Notes

buy clomid 50mg online At our recent annual meeting we passed the proposed budget, and we also elected Liz Cornell to the board.

Quetiapine ohne rezept We also voted on whether we wanted, as a congregation, to vote to accept or refuse the changes to the UUA Article II. The vote was in favor of supporting the changes. This vote is binding on our GA Representatives PDF.

In addition, we elected Natalie Brake and Liz Cornell to be our representatives at the UUA General Assembly business meetings.

We are looking forward to seeing what the next church year brings us. We are making plans to advertise to the Hendricks County Community with the hope that we will be able to restart Religious Exploration, and offer a high school OWL class, as well as draw new members to the church and start up some new Social Justice efforts. If any of this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, please contact any board member.

Thank all of you for your continued support of the church!

Annie Johnson
Board President