overtime (Ages 6-8)


This year the children will explore two different curriculums:

  • Exploring peace and fairness through stories, discussions, and activities with the In Our Hands-A Peace and Social Justice Program They will learn constructive ways of resolving conflict and promoting peace in their own lives.  They will learn to see their connections to the larger community, to the natural world, and to the Unitarian Universalist peace and justice heritage.

slily Early Elementary Order of Service
Our structure downstairs mirrors the order of service upstairs:

  • Chalice lighting
  • Joys and concerns
  • Classroom covenant,
  • Sermon (brief lesson),
  • Congregational response (related activities)
  • Closing words (a review) Classroom Covenant
    Everyone has thoughts that are worth sharing.
    Everyone has questions that are worth asking.
    Everyone has work that is worth doing to make our class happy, interesting, peaceful, and clean.

We welcome your comments and we depend on your participation.  Here’s how you can help in the Early Elementary Classroom:

  • Volunteer to mentor the Early Elementary children in two to six week intervals. We will need six parents to sign up for two topics each. These can be two separate 3-week sessions or one consecutive 6 week session. A training class will be offered.
  • Donate dollars or age-appropriate books or craft items to the children/classroom.

Please let us know if you or your child has any concerns about the class.  We look forward to our year with your child!