Tongzhou (ages 3-6)


The Preschool class provides our 3 – 5 year old children with a warm, caring atmosphere in which to play and hear Spirit Play stories.  For more information on the Spirit Play programming, please see Spirit Play binder in classroom or ask any of the RE representatives listed on page 6.

Preschool Order of Service

  • Lead the children back to the Nursery to get those who stayed downstairs.
  • Go back to center hallway and take a flame from the chalice on the shelf under the Family Resource Center. Blow out the chalice.
  • Lead children to room. Remind them to take a cushion and sit in the circle.
  • Light the chalice in the room and say “We are UUCC, the church of the open minds, loving hearts and helping hands.”
  • Sit in circle and see if the kids want to share.
  • Tell Spirit Story and ask questions.
  • Choose a name out of the basket to blow out the chalice.
  • Remind them to put their cushion away before they choose an activity.
  • They can have snack when they are ready.
  • Have them clean up before they leave.
  • Say goodbye and remind them to take anything they made home.
  • Take dirty snack glasses to kitchen and return taper candle to shelf in hallway.

We welcome your comments and we depend on your participation.  Here’s how you can help in the Preschool:

  • Volunteer to mentor our Preschoolers by sharing Spirit Play stories with the children in two – four week intervals.
  • Volunteer to create Spirit Play story boxes during quarterly gatherings on either a weekday lunch or a Sunday after church.

Please let us know if you or your child has any concerns about the class.  We look forward to our year with your child!

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Picking Up Your Child:

 Please pick up your young children from the Nursery and Preschool classes promptly.  They are so happy to be reunited, and our teachers like to know the children will be in good hands. 

  • Older children may be finishing up their lessons as you come downstairs.  When their door is open, they are free to socialize with their friends in the RE rooms or come find you in the Fellowship Hall.  Of course, you are also welcome to check in with them!

Using the Nursery Space:

  • The Nursery in the back of the Fellowship Hall is available to all children during social hour, but no teacher is on duty at this time.  In addition to the obvious activities, there are others for school-aged children in a basket on the table.
  • Please help us keep this area safe and orderly for the youngest children:
    • Please keep personal toys out of this space.
    • Please put activities neatly back in the basket or on the shelves.
    • Parents are asked to closely supervise children in this area and are encouraged to sit in or near the space for best visibility.