Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 10-12 helps high school youth gain the knowledge, life principles and skills they need to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways. It puts sexuality into the context of values and personal responsibility, helping them manage social pressure and advocate for equality. It provides an opportunity to bring values and integrity to the real-life issues. The workshops are in an intimate setting with a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 attendees.

Our Whole Lives (OWL) values:

  • Sexual Health
  • Self Worth
  • Responsibility
  • Justice and Inclusivity

OWL models compassion, respect, and justice. It helps high school‐age youth address their attitudes and values, their feelings about themselves and their sexuality, and their attitudes toward others’ sexuality. Participants in grades 10-12 are guided by trained facilitators through an engaging curriculum that addresses topics typically excluded from sexuality education and health classes. This highly adaptable program includes twelve sessions that include 41 workshops ranging from 25‐60 minutes for flexible scheduling.

UUCCHC is offering the High  School Our Whole Lives curriculum starting in September We need a minimum of 5 attendees (maximum of 10) to run the workshop series.

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